So much to be thankful for. This week we were fortunate enough to host Toddler Thanksgiving at our house. This isĀ the second annual Toddler Thanksgiving and seeing as Row has only been alive for 3 years I say we are doing pretty darn well as far as tradition and consistency goes Gobble Gobble.
I usually host our play groups Halloween party but this year between travel and birthday I just couldn’t handle it so I opted to take on Thanksgiving. Yay for Melissa for stepping up so our littles didn’t miss Halloween.
Our group has been together since our kiddos were born-9months up and I love having a group of women who show up, put up, stand up, and straighten up your kids. It is truly a blessing that has come to us at a time where many women feel isolated.
Our girls made it here through a tornado warning and heavy rain bringing their green bean casseroles and pumpkin treats. Hosting is always easy when we pot luck it!
The kiddos made hats-ok the moms made hats and we traced their hands but hey that’s a far stretch from last years events where they were rolling around on the floor and chasing each other.
They played and ate and had a merry good time. Oh and those Mamas cleaned up our trashed house. Bloomies you are truly a blessing.
Happy Happy Thanksgiving! I wish I had taken more pictures but I was eating! I contributed these amazing rolls!