There are so many things to do in Houston! My father is an avid gardener. If it was up to him he’s live on a farm.You name it he’s done it-chickens, bunnies, bees, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, berries-well he killed those…..sunflowers oh and did I mention he’s a beekeeper? That’s right! He has hives and in fact if you find a swarm of bees you let me know and he will come and get them. Complete with a hood and smoke. I won’t get into just how important bees are to our survival. The majority of fruit we eat is pollinated by them. No bees no food. He was the one that told me about Wabash.
Wabash is a local garden center that focuses on organic growing but it’s so much more. Row and I decided to pick him up and drive into town-that’s right Wabash is IN town-and take a peek. Wabash has tons of different plants, vegetables, herbs, etc. We decided to pick out some organic cherry tomatoes and attempt a raised bed. Attempt I said-updates later. We also picked up some herbs because really I can’t kill those. They also sell organic soil. Because if you’re going to grow organically you can’t put miracle grow down, kind of defeats the purpose.
While we picked out some plants, he picked them out I have no clue what I’m doing….Row ran around in her farming overalls.
The wonderful things about Wabash is you can go and not spend any money. They have an adorable pond. They are also avid humane society and SPCA helpers and often have puppies, kittens, etc…for adoption and petting. There’s a parrot who talks. We saw a large swan up for adoption. The great thing is they help many animals! You can purchase chickens and chicks and even eggs. Change your mind or can no longer keep them? Wabash will take them back and find loving homes.
While we were there they had a ton of baby ducks! Row was in her glory. Go check it out! It’s free!
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