Oh Easter, the newness, the pastels, the peeps-I have a bit of a peep obsession.
I would love to share with you my book picks for Easter. If you’re wondering do I actually have these books…yes. I have a bit over 3,000 children’s books from my days teaching. No I didn’t get rid of any of them. Books to a teacher are like friends. Yes I bought them all myself. All teachers do-those books in your child’s classroom don’t belong to the school, but their teacher-shocking right?! We spend a lot of time researching and hunting down books that are wonderful and match the curriculum. I couldn’t bear to part with them.
So here are my top 5 book picks for Easter!
I have included links to Amazon. I don’t get paid for it but I always find it helpful on other sites that have links. I also heart heart Amazon.
1.The Story of Easter-now this is NOT a book I would read at school. However in our Catholic home I like to lead each religious holiday with purpose first. This is a great down to earth level-still a bit much for toddlers but great for exposure. You can easily paraphrase. Wonderful pictures. Such a great way to share about Jesus’ love and sacrifice and the wonderful miracle of his death and resurrection.
2. Owen’s Marshmallow Chick-Oh Kevin Hennkes-I so love him and all his mouse madness! This is a board book but I read it in Kindergarten. I love when a book ties into an author study and a holiday. Hennkes writes amazing character books. Did I mention I have a love of peeps?
3.Richard Scarry’s The Bunny Book-Why-because I loved it growing up! I love books that have been around forever…and all the cute little bunnies.
4.The Egg Tree-This is an oldie-I mean a real oldie but a goodie. It’s long…and works best for older children. It’s about creating traditions and valuing our elders. It’s a Caldecott winner-which means the drawings are amazing.
5. Bunny My Honey-Sweet and great for rhyming. From the author of Guess How Much I Love You.
I would love for you to share your book picks with me!