When Rowan started teething I wanted something I could have with me easily that was fashionable and safe for baby. I have a pair of Chewbeads which I love hands down but they’re a little expensive to buy in every color so this is what we came up with! A wooden beaded necklace, covered with fabric and ribbon. The great thing about this option is I could choose the fabric and see what I could match the most in my wardrobe with.
Supplies smallest amount of fabric you can buy, ribbed ribbon, wooden balls-I chose 1/2″.
1. Cut you fabric so it is double the width of the ball and then add seam allowance. For my 1/2″ balls I cut the fabric at 1 1/2″. Fold inside out and sew a straight line down the edge. Word to the wise…if you’re not a straight sewer add a little extra width.
2. Turn you fabric strip inside out-not super fun….you ends should both be open.
3. Once your fabric is right side out cut a 2 1/2″ strip of ribbon…in my picture you’ll see that I tailed the end of mine to give it some added sass. Knot the fabric and ribbon together at the end. This will give you the closure to start threading balls through as well as your tie on for your necklace.
4. Thread balls through one at a time. After you have a ball in the fabric twist the fabric and tie a knot. Repeat with as many or few balls as desired.
5. Once you are at the end of your necklace make sure you leave room to add another section of ribbon as done previously on the other side and knot closed. Tie two ribbons together and desired length for your necklace. How easy was that! Minimal sewing. Great baby gift!!
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