Do you have a ton of stuff and just not enough space? I feel like as time goes by more things come in then go out. Over the past year I’ve been purging and organizing our house. I have things-lots of things. My husband says I’m collector, whatever that means 🙂 Like cupcake holders…that’s right I collect and use (ahem) loads of cupcake holders. I really want things to be easily stored. I want them to be pretty.I want to remember I have them so I can actually use them. BTW I’m cheap-have I mentioned that? I like love garage sales too much! I mean you can buy something for 2 dollars and if it doesn’t work for you resell or donate! Here are my cupcake holders..
See those glass jars…$1 garage sale!!!!! I’m a jar collector too! See how I can see everything I have? It’s pretty and organized-love!
Oh and here’s another tip. I bake a lot. I love my mixer but I have a love/hate relationship with my attachments. They just don’t seem to fit in the drawer. But lookie lookie-
Hung on the inside of a cabinet. Unused space! How do you stay organized and cute?
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