So I have to tell you TV is basically killing me right now…killing me. We only have precious moments to watch-at night, one show, in our room, on our computer-we’re old school like that. It just seems like everything had ended and nothing has begun yet. I mean who does that?
Is that some strategy TV networks have to just keep us all hanging with absolutely nothing to watch?
Here’s what I’m waiting to watch….
Mr. Robot
How cool is this show. It’s all about a hacker-NEO-not really but hey you get it-he’s going to bring down the man. I’m not completely sure who “the man” is just yet. It could be several people. He clearly has OCD and social anxiety and is completely and utterly awesome. I also love basically every conspiracy theory ever!
Big Brother
Be still my summer heart. I love that I can watch this around Row. I mean 12 strangers picked to live in a house and have their lives recorded to see what happens-oh wait-that was The Real World. I watched that year one people-year one. I digress…Big Brother is basically the same thing but with competitions and prizes. Love it or hate it-I love it!
Oh Halle Berry and your AI child and your alien child who has been stolen from you but is trying to find you. “The man” is trying to steal him and he makes people hallucinate. It’s so wacky that it’s amazing!
Now in the mean time I have been able to watch :
Wayward Pines
Oh lord this one is sooooo good and confusing but only 10 episodes long wah wah. I was really getting into it and then in episode 5 they basically revealed everything. I’m still hooked.
Orphan Black
BBC you are amazing. This show-this show-go on Amazon Prime now and watch the first 2 seasons immediately. I originally though a show about clones was lame….I was lame. It’s amazing. We have power watched this one. Now we are caught up. It still doesn’t disappoint. The lead actress plays basically 20 roles believably. I am clearly Allison and hubs is Donnie.
What shows are you waiting for???
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