Toddler snack,toddler snacks. It seems like everyone’s toddler either eats a ton or nothing at all. Row will eat just about everything but not a lot of it. Milk-please she only drank it in a bottle because it was in a bottle. So calcium is something I have to make sure she gets. We love the strawberry banana organic toddler yogurts. I really try to make sure her diary and meat are organic whenever possible. Mainly because one year I taught Kindergarten in the fifth grade hallway. The girls were hitting puberty in fourth grade. I would like to hold that off for the love of God and not eating things with growth hormone in them helps. BTW-this works just fine with regular yogurt too. 🙂 Oh and we eat junk food too.
I simply took a steak knife and slit a tiny slit in the yogurt container top and placed a baby sized fork in the slit. Popped it in the freezer. A couple of hours later I ran it under warm water to help pop it lose and bam chilled calcium rich treat! Row loved it. She’s kind of an ice cream fiend. It was a bit heavy for her so we ended up cutting some slivers off after awhile. She ate the whole thing!!!!
Simple, easy, different!
I also wanted to share from time to time simple things you can do at home to stimulate toddler learning. Behold a mirror. In Row’s room I have a mirror from Ikea-or you can get one of these bad boys at a garage sale. It’s as low to the ground as possible in her room. The great thing is she is able to self discover. Every time we have a play date children flock to it. Scientific discovery happens there everyday!
I hope you had an amazing Labor Day and good luck getting those babes back to school. Our local moms group Ibloom starts back next week and I can’t wait. If you have the time to join a mom’s group do so. I have met the most amazing women! After that week Kindermusik starts and don’t get me going about that. Have a wonderful Tuesday!
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