Our weekend started off with a bang on Friday! Probably more Thursday when someone said hey I’ll see you tomorrow and I was all like whhhhattt? Oh that’s right I’m hosting a Toddler Easter Party.
I love a party! I dreamed of the day we would have a child an experience all the fun ness of childhood again and believe me when I say I don’t miss a moment. I decided to host our toddler friends Easter party at the house complete with an egg hunt.Each Mama dropped off 24 filled eggs to my house prior to the party. Does that sound like a lot?
What I adore about the group of women I call Mama friends is they are always ready for fun and they are always ready to help. The event was pot luck so I only had to worry about one dish, plates, and water. Stress less. I also am at a point with these gals that I don’t run around crazy cleaning. I mean I vacuumed and tidied but not much more.
Mamas sent messages about if they could bring their bunny costume for pictures-thanks Melissa-you were a trooper and amazing. Sadly Row refused a pic. One Mama-Amber asked if she could bring a backdrop for pictures. Melissa brought her niece and nephew to help hide eggs. Jennifer brought treats for each kiddo and Row gave each friend a basket for egg hunting. We played outside and had so much food there wasn’t room on my counters!
The egg hunt came and Row got it this year! She had a blast finding eggs. Also an Easter miracle happened we successfully got 10 two year olds and 1 six month old to sit in a line and take a group photo!!! A MIRACLE!
I also had the pleasure of celebrating this guy-my best friend, my boyfriend, my partner in crime, and the one I cannot live without. We celebrated the whole week complete with a misspelled birthday cake-he wanted a store bought one like he had when he was little. A trip to the park and a first time running on hills moment.
Oh and we bought a new filing cabinet and filed our taxes yay-growing up sucks!
What Row’s wearing-Eleanor Rose Bunny Dress-gasp I know-no Matilda Jane-they gasp don’t do holiday pieces, bunny hair bow by Bobbins and Babies Embroidery
Buzzing Lap-Matilda Jane-Hello Lovely,Latticework Benny Leggings-Matilda Jane-Hello Lovely, Mint Pios-Livie and Luca Shoes